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I get the question every day: “Which book should I get?” OR…. “Which book should I get next?”Best answer is: This all depends on which “stage” you’re in. I really do wish I would have paid more attention to what the older wiser millionaires were trying to tell me back in the day.They tried to tell me what […]
Continue ReadingOk, so yesterday I was training a group of (1st year) distributors… We eventually got to the subject prospecting and it became very apparent why they felt like “nobody was interested”…So in this blog I’m going to explain the importance of knowing how to “position” and POSTURE UP with every prospect – (especially if you (think) […]
Continue ReadingOk riddle me this:What is the difference between a Network (“Marketers”) Emotional Rollercoaster and a Disney World Rollercoaster? Well, in the pic here, we earned a Success Trip with our company, and we are on the DisneyWorld rollercoaster… OR, there’s…. The Emotional Rollercoaster Within Your Home BusinessLet’s talk about it… One of the most frustrating things about being an […]
Continue ReadingOk this one is gonna be pretty controversial… Get out the popcorn n soda, because there’s gonna be a few old doubters chiming in here… And I don’t blame them. When you read ads or a title like that, your mind automatically wants to blow it off. I didn’t think it worked, and I most definitely didn’t trust any […]
Continue ReadingThere’s always a “catch” isn’t there… Do you remember your worst regrets from back in High School? I remember mine… (and this lesson will tie directly into how you may NOT be attracting boss babes into your business!) And yeah I would act like I was all “Mr. Baddass” when really I was being a total wuss… I would never […]
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