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Never A Case of The Mondays
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Never a Case of the Mondays

How To Recruit Your Skeptical Powerhouse Spouse (And Anyone Else) Into Building “The Biz”

Sooo d*mn funny to think about how idiotic my approach was…I was fresh off a presentation where they said all the right things I wanted to hear… “It’s gonna be the next Billion dollar company… stable, debt free, crazy momentum, best team in the industry, greatest new product, most aggressive comp plan”, etc… Ever heard those ones […]

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How to Use LinkedIn to Rapidly ATTRACT THE BEST Prospects, ENROLL New Recruits, & GROW Your Team!

Wow, you wanna talk about extraordinary women entrepreneurs?My friend Gloria MacDonald has been producing insane results in her Networking Marketing business for over a decade. Generating over $70k in income in just the past two months, she’s exclusively using LinkedIn prospecting and recruiting strategies… She’s been taking what we’ve been learning over the past year and has […]

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How A Non-Techy Network Marketer Enrolled Over 90 People In 7 Months, All Online

Is it just me, or do you just cringe every time you see the low-end hype & fluff “systems” out there on social media that are built to attract people who look for the “easy” way to get rich? Real talk… There are some serious hype (problems) with the whole Affiliate/Internet/Network Marketing arena today… The gurus will happily […]

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5 Little Known Reasons Why Network Marketers Feel Avoided And How To Fix It

Ever seen someone on Facebook that would be perfect for your biz, but not sure what the best approach is?You can tell that he/she has some “social influence” and you want to connect/build a relationship with them… but how can you make sure they won’t avoid you?Naturally, as an excited Network Marketer you’re gonna want […]

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Ugly Duckling Network Marketer Transformations: 5 Hot #BossBabe Rules

Turns out, we weren’t the only ones feeling a certain way… Ever feel like you’re always “busy” and anxious, building your home business, so you can get “free” some day?In the car, on our phone. Hot date together? Both on the phone. “Netflix and chill”? Yeah RIGHT!More like “how can we make this #smart phone business […]

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